Sunday, 8 January 2012

Happy New Year! Happy New Bellies!

Gluten Free but not Taste Free!
Coeliac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine (bowel) and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. People who have coeliac disease cannot tolerate a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley. When people with coeliac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the small intestine. 

Coeliac disease is a genetic disease, meaning that it runs in families.  Environmental factors play an important role in triggering coeliac disease in infancy, childhood or later in life. 
Coeliac Australia statistics reports that Coeliac disease affects approximately 1 in 100 Australians. However 75% currently remain undiagnosed. This means that approximately 160,000 Australians have coeliac disease but don’t yet know it.
People with coeliac disease remain sensitive to gluten throughout their life, so in this sense they are never cured. However a gluten free diet does allow the condition to be managed effectively. A lifelong gluten free diet is the only recognised treatment for coeliac disease. By removing the cause of the disease, a gluten free diet allows the small bowel lining to heal and symptoms to resolve. As long as the gluten free diet is strictly adhered to, problems arising from coeliac disease should not return.  This extract is from Coeliac Australia.
Bossley Park General Store & Deli has an extensive range of Gluten Free products.  

One of our most popular Gluten Free products are from Dr Schar.  Discover why Schar is Europe’s leading brand of Gluten Free food. For more than 25 years, Schar has been providing innovative solutions which continually contribute towards improving the lives of those with Coeliac Disease. Discover the great tasting range of long life breads, biscuits, pasta, sweets and snacks. The variety is endless and most products taste just like their conventional equivalent - we invite you to taste the difference!

Some people simply prefer Gluten Free products, they don't feel that 'heaviness' you sometimes feel after eating gluten.  

In Dr Shcar we have pasta, bread, biscuits plus much more, also there are Gluten Free products in other selected brands at the Deli & General Store.   

See for more information & for some inspiring recipes.

Yours in health & good food.

Bossley Park Deli Family